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Taking Your Campus for Christ

Taking Your Campus for Christ

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Though this book has been around for a while, the practical realities of loving the people around you never gets old. The principles and practical advice of this book are timeless. Students can make the difference at their schools! Taking Your Campus, gives you a practical strategy to equip and mobilize your students at school. Now that’s a radical idea! It can happen. But it will take some radical people with radical love. Radical love. That’s what non-believing students need. In this book, written for students, your students will find out how to have radical love and how to give it away. God wants to tap them on the shoulder, get them to look Him in the face, and take the challenge to radically love their friends through the power of Jesus.

Weight0.5 lbs




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Youth Leader Resources
Alyssa, 6th Grade Student

I love your Bible Studies! We are doing the first one in the series for Servant Leaders. They inspire me to live a life that pleases God and others."

Alyssa, 6th Grade Student